JobJar with Table Creation Feature

Job: 539225 Emails | Attachments | Set Watch | Initiate RFC            
Entered by: Sumegh Vyas (posc) on February 16th 2023 Last Updated: June 19th 2023            
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(245 Mins)
Work Units: Design:1h 50m 
QA:1h 5m 
Total Spent:   2h 55m
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Summary Note as of Feb 16 2023 18:34:19
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Make it easy to create Tables in JobJar


Kevin is managing the Rollout of a GivexPOS Implementation for a Large Brand - 50+ Stores. He wants to track a lot of the activity in JobJar to follow company processes and help all stakeholders have good visibility of the Project status. He is comfortable with Excel and quickly develops a table and populates it with the required Columns and data. He then tries to BUILD this same data in JJ Summary Note and after trying unsuccesfuly for hours, gives up and ends up attaching an Excel Spreadsheet to the Job.

Someone tells Kevin, you should have used this website to convert Excel data to RST instead:

Kevin goes to the site, copies and pastes his Excel table data and voila - 1 click later he has the RST Text to copy paste into Summary Note and the Table is built. In a matter of seconds! Problem is... This website now has it's hooks (cookies) into Kevin's PC and is tracking him all over the net. Unintended consequences...

Wouldn't it be great if JobJar offered the same copy / paste => Table Generate functionality natively!


1 - Add an option to Create Job Jar tables by copying / uploading data from user friendly formats like Excel. Similar to:



- Internal Givex Management


Team members would continue to struggle to build tables in JJ and struggle with full JJ Adoption for Project Management or they would end up using unsecure 3rd party websites / tools.

Insert Table

Method: File Upload

Upload file
.. csv-table::
   :width: 1,1,1,1
   :delim: ,
   3136,Milestones,3196,MIL #5204 - Victoria BC,f,f,f,f,f,f,t,f
   3136,Milestones,3197,MIL #5207 - Park Royal BC,f,f,f,f,f,f,t,f
   3136,Milestones,3208,MIL #5208 - Langely BC,f,f,f,f,f,f,t,f
JobJar View | PREVIEW

Method: Table Builder

{below is a progression of the table being built}

Design Note : Step 1 --- User Copy-Pastes content or manually types them

Cell in column 1, header row
Cell in column 2, header row

Cell in column 1, row 2
Cell in column 2, row 2

Cell in column 1, row 3
Cell in column 2, row 3

Cell in column 1, row 4
Cell in column 2, row 4

Design note: Step 2 --- User checked "Highlight headers" option
| Cell in column 1, header row
| Cell in column 2, header row

| Cell in column 1, row 2
| Cell in column 2, row 2

| Cell in column 1, row 3
| Cell in column 2, row 3

| Cell in column 1, row 4
| Cell in column 2, row 4

Design note: Step 3 --- User applies changes and previews the table
Cell in column 1, header rowCell in column 2, header row
Cell in column 1, row 2Cell in column 2, row 2
Cell in column 1, row 3Cell in column 2, row 3
Cell in column 1, row 4Cell in column 2, row 4


Date EB Action Description
Jun 19 2023
Dexter Merquita (bc) Time Spent: 1h 15m Design


Was able to quickly generate an RST table by copy-pasting a csv file and feeding into our jobjar

QA Note

  1. Convert xlsx file into CSV

  2. Open the file in notepad++

  3. Select entire file and indent once

  4. Copy the entire file (and keep in the clipboard)

  5. In the jobjar, use 'csv-table' directive and use ":delim: ,"

    .. csv-table::
       :widths: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
       :delim: ,
       :header-rows: 1

File (data excerpt) was taken from JJ#466888

merchant_id merch_name outlet_id store_name training host_mode verified_offline olo_site hma twin_setup cloud_print
3136 Milestones 3197 MIL #5204 - Victoria BC f f f f f t f
3136 Milestones 3196 MIL #5207 - Park Royal BC f f f f f t f
3136 Milestones 3208 MIL #5208 - Langley BC f f f f f t f
3136 Milestones 3205 MIL #5213 - Coquitlam BC f f f f f t f
3136 Milestones 3216 MIL #5217 - Dixon Road - Etobicoke ON f f f f f t f
3136 Milestones 3221 MIL #5218 - Mississauga West - Mississauga ON f f f f f t f


  1. We create a new section under "Summary Note" that will allow user to create a table within jobjar using various data input methods (see below).
  2. Provide basic UI controls for adding table/rows and columns right from within this new section.
  3. User clicks "Preview Table" and then "Confirm" to build the table as a jobjar note
  4. User clicks the regular "Update Job" or "Preview" buttons, as need be.

Data input methods

method 1: file upload - Upload a xlsx or csv file. Then, we identify and count the number of headers. We use this data to build the table structure using RST or whatever engine we want to use for rendering content.

method 2: editor view - this is the main feature for defining table dimension, adding content

method 3: default view -- our regular JobJar note data entry window

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